Political Cartoon Gallery Opens
Representatives of the PCO attended the opening of the Political Cartoon Gallery and cafe in London last week. Tim Benson has found a new and permanent home for the gallery south of the river and this event was also used to launch the book “Britain’s Best Political Cartoons 2015”. In attendance were John Major, Paddy […]
The Film of The Book (Launch)
PCO member Chris Cairn’s new book “Welcome to Cairnstoon” (mentioned in an earlier Blog article) was launched in Glasgow at the Leiper Art Gallery. The event was filmed for posterity and this excellent video is the result.
Comic Strips Used in Fight Against Sexual Harassment on Cairo Metro
Poster campaign draws attention to worsening treatment of women According to the UN, 99.3% of women in Egypt are victims of sexual harassment, with 91% saying they feel insecure in the streets as a result. As it stands Egyptian law doesn’t help; the crime isn’t clearly defined, making prosecuting difficult and often resulting in women […]
Cartoon festival organisers: “Can you spare a tenner?”
The organisers of the Herne Bay Cartoon Festival are turning to the internet to help pay for next summer’s event, using a unique form of crowdfunding where the government matches every tenner donated. Bayguide, which has staged three successful cartoon events in the Kent seaside town, has set up a page on the Local Giving […]
Rare Tintin Drawing Fetches $1.2m in Hong Kong Auction
An illustration of the comic book character has sold for 9.6 million Hong Kong dollars ($1.2m) The drawing (which is not the one featured above) is from the Belgian cartoonist Herge’s book The Blue Lotus. The work was the only original from the book still in private hands, and had been bought by an Asian […]
PCO Profile: Tony Fernandes
Self taught artist Tony Fernandes began drawing and painting at an early age. The works of the C20th’s greatest cartoonist Picasso, along with Gillray, Rowlandson, Giles, Cruikshank, Andre Francois and Goya captured and fuelled his imagination. His first published work appeared on television at the age of 10 when he sent in jokes and cartoons […]
Memories Are Made of This: Robert Crumb Interview
The American cartoonist Robert Crumb Leaving his wife and a job in Cleveland, Robert Crumb headed for the heart of 60s hippy culture, Haight-Ashbury, and a new life of sex and drugs and cartooning. Currently living in self imposed exile in the South of France, the notorious cartoonist gives a frank account of his work […]
David Killen, “The Cartoonist’s Cartoon Editor”
David Killen at the PCO presentation The recently retired Prospect Magazine Cartoon Editor was presented with an award by the PCO Chairman Bill Stott at a small but perfectly formed ceremony in London. The inscribed glass memento was proffered on behalf of the PCO membership, reflecting their thanks for David’s outstanding contribution to cartooning. In […]
Ralph Steadman Interview
Science Book a Day’s quick fire session with the renowned cartoonist focuses on his new, joint venture “Nextinction”. The interview touches on how the book came about and the thinking and work processes that brought it to fruition. Readers will be delighted to note he has a new book in the pipeline too. Read the […]