Cartooning in the silly season

PCOer Morten Morland writes for Bloghorn: I was going to write a post on cartooning during what journalists call the silly season. It would have been about trying to perform when most meaningful politicians are on holiday and the papers are full of exclusives such as “Brendan from Bradford can blow bubbles with his bum”. […]

Cartoon Pick of the Week

Bloghorn is launching a new regular feature today: Cartoon Pick of the Week. This does exactly what it says on the metaphorical tin. We shall be highlighting what the folk at the PCO think are the top three drawings and jokes we’ve seen during each working week. If you have a submission you think we […]

Problems in drawing – image copyright and theft

One of the problems in being able to express yourself through drawing is having your work “borrowed” or “passed off” as the product of someone else.This is an occupational hazard if you draw to make your living, but it is irritating. Actually this is theft because traditionally, full-time, commercial artists and cartoonists sell the rights […]