Professional cartoonist workshops at the Big Draw

The PCO provided the all-day cartoon and drawing workshops at The Big Draw. Here, two of our members report on what they did there. Click the images to enlarge Paul Hardman writes: The title of the workshop I ran was “Who Do You Think You Are?” It involved a very long roll of paper on […]
The PCO at the Big Draw: update

The PCO is running workshops for all ages at the Big Draw event at St Pancras International Station in London on Saturday (October 18). If you’re interested in cartooning and fancy having a go, come along and get involved. PCO cartoon workshops at the 2007 Big Draw The workshop timetable is as follows: Paul Hardman […]
The PCO at the Big Draw

PCO members will be taking part in “Transports of Delight” at St Pancras International Station in London on Saturday (October 18). The event is part of the annual, month-long Big Draw campaign, which is designed to get the nation drawing. The PCO will be running cartoon workshops at the event and taking part in the […]
PCO Professional Cartoonists at London’s Big Draw 2008

Breaking News on Bloghorn… The PCO team for this year’s London Big Draw event is confirmed. Team skipper, Pete Dredge (Private Eye regular) will be leading Robert Duncan (Not particularly orange cards), Kipper Williams (The Guardian) and Royston Robertson (Prospect, Readers Digest, Private Eye) into the suitably absurd Battle of the Cartoonists. The 12 feet […]