Paying for cartoon content
American cartoonist Mike Lynch tells it like it is with a blog post that states its point clearly in its title: If You Give Away Your Cartoons for Free, You Won’t Make a Living as a Cartoonist “It’s wrong if a publication (print or web) thinks they can just grab a cartoon for free content […]
PCO Procartoonists – Where creativity comes from – part 1

PCOer John Roberts writes; I was telephoned before Christmas by a very enthusiastic young lady telling me that she worked for a television production company. She told me she thought a caricaturist was something that they were looking for.A caricature of Nicole Kidman by PCO member John Roberts Her company had been commissioned to set […]
Humour exhibition: Where are the cartoons?

The Hayward Gallery on London’s South Bank is hosting an exhibition of art called Laughing in a Foreign Language until April 13. It brings together more than 70 videos, photographs and interactive installation works by more than 30 artists from all around the world. They’re all artworks designed to make you laugh, so it’s baffling […]
Artist of the Month: John Landers

Here is the last offering from the PCO’s Artist of the month for January 2008, John Landers. Next Friday, we will have a new featured portfolio to enjoy, but in the meantime, click L for Landers. British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
Race in cartoons and drawing
News reaches Bloghorn from the USA where a group of African-American cartoonists are making a “comic crossover” about how their work is treated and published. The group believe that “many editors and readers consider different ‘black comics’ to be interchangeable”. This, they say, is among the reasons why many papers run only one or two […]
Cartoon film sans CGI animals nominated
Something a bit different is competing alongside the usual anthropomorphic antics in the Best Animated Film category at this year’s Oscars. Persepolis, a black and white adaptation of two graphic novels by Marjane Satrapi, will be competing alongside the CGI-animated blockbusters Ratatouille and Surf’s Up, it was announced yesterday. Which means that a French film […]
Preparations for Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival

22nd January 2008British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
PCO Procartoonists – Foghorn cartoon magazine

Foghorn, the full colour magazine of the Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation is in production right now and is due to land on the desks of some lucky art buyers soon. This all new exciting flood-proof issue will include articles from PCOers Martin Honeysett, Martin Rowson, Roger Penwill and Pete Dredge alongside the usual top jokes and […]
Artist of the Month: John Landers

If you would like to see more of John’s work click on the phrase John Landers in the long list you can find on the right hand side of this diary, or click below and follow L for Landers. British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)