Cartoon Pick of the Week

Bloghorn spotted this great work this week… One: Dave Brown in the Independent on the Pre-budget Report Two: Peter Brookes in the Times on the Death of New Labour Three: Paul Wood in the Spectator: “It’s pretty chilly out. Do you want to borrow a scarf?”The PCO: British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ […]
Artist of the Month: Kate Taylor

Kate’s last piece of advice to any aspiring cartoonist is to “have endless perseverance, draw from the heart and be a shameless self-publicist”. Kate also feels that the internet has opened up many new ways in which cartoonists can now promote themselves. “The digital age also means a lot more choice for us in the […]
The DFC: Now we are six (months)

PCOer Royston Robertson writes: The Forbidden Planet blog has a nice piece to mark six months of The DFC, the subscription-only kids’ comic launched earlier this year. Instead of canvassing the opinions of grown-up comic fans, they’ve interviewed a member of the target audience: Molly, nine. This was interesting to me as my son, who […]
Cartoon exhibition continues

Cartoon by Andy “Gilby” Gilbert. Click to enlarge Who’s Laughing Now?, a cartoon exhibition by PCOer Andy Gilbert, has been a hit at the Derby Museum and Art Gallery and as a result, selected pieces will be exhibited at the Queen’s Hospital, Burton upon Trent, until December 13. After that, the full exhibition can be […]
Cartoon reportage or fairy story?
From France via The Independent newspaper The same newspaper also has a comprehensive obituary on the late Les Barton The PCO: Great British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
Let us have faith in cartoons …

PCOer Martin Rowson writes… One way and another I’ve had quite an exciting week. At the Cartoon Awards on Wednesday I got slapped, quite hard, by the celebrated lawyer and serially rebellious Labour MP Bob Marshall-Andrews, who seems not to have liked an interview I did with him for The Spectator this August. Surprisingly enough, […]
Cartoon Pick of the Week

Bloghorn spotted this great work this week… One: Peter Brookes in the Times on the BNP list Two: Tim Sanders in The Independent on “I’m a Celebrity…” Three: Dave Walker at the Church Times Blog on pubs becoming churches The PCO: British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
Artist of the Month: Kate Taylor

Bloghorn asked our Artist of the Month, Kate Taylor, how she started out in drawing; Since childhood Kate loved to draw and only ever wanted to be an illustrator. She has always worked as a self-employed freelancer, but, with her output always “veering towards” cartooning. She always admired the cartoons of the late Mel Calman […]
The 14th Cartoon Art Trust Awards

The Cartoon Art Trust Awards were presented last night at The Mall Galleries in London. The trust, which runs the Cartoon Museum in London, has presented the awards annually since 1995. Gag cartoonist Grizelda, left, was among the winners. PCOer and Private Eye regular Will “Wilbur” Dawbarn was there and sent Bloghorn this personal report: […]