Cartoon Pick of the Week
We spotted this great work this week … One: Kal in The Economist on Obama’s hand of friendship to Iran Two: Peter Schrank in The Independent on Supergordon and the IMF Three: Martin Rowson in The Guardian on the BBC and the DEC The PCO: Great British cartoon talent Subscribe to The Foghorn – our […]
Artist of the Month: Nathan Ariss
Nathan Ariss tells Bloghorn what and who makes him laugh in the last of our posts about him and his work: I admire any stand-up or sit-down comedian who can actually make me laugh as I’m quite a tough audience. I enjoy clever, quick-witted jokes, but I can also go for gentle, human, observational stuff […]
New job created in newspaper cartooning
Look here and here (scroll down for the button) then read all about it here via Morten Morland of The Times.
Scott McCloud talks comics
Comic artist and author Scott McCloud (previously mentioned here on Bloghorn) has written widely about the theory and practice of comics and their creation his series of books Understanding Comics, Reinventing Comics and the more recent Making Comics. In this recent video post on Scott talks about subjects covered in these books, including how […]
John Updike: writer and would-be cartoonist
Dan Wasserman at the Boston Globe writes about the writer and long-time admirer of cartoon and comic art here. As previously covered on the Bloghorn, Updike was one of many well-known public figures who dabbled in cartooning but found they lacked the full set of skills necessary to survive in its competitive world.
Making fat jokes about politicians
Christian Adams at the Telegraph writes on the challenges of drawing the prime minister and the newspaper’s leader column offers another thought in response. Other papers picked up Christian’s story with Dave Brown of The Independent chipping in here and Martin Rowson popping up on BBC Breakfast.
Jings! Gordon joins the Broons
The Broons is copyright DC Thomson You will no doubt have already seen Gordon Brown teamed with Scotland’s first family of comic strips, the Broons, in the Private Eye parody The Broon-ites. But at the weekend (January 25) the Prime Minister appeared in the genuine article: an episode of The Broons in The Sunday Post. […]
MAD magazine makes cutbacks
MAD magazine one of America’s oldest humor magazines is making staff redundancies and deep cutbacks in its print schedules. Story via.
Wilbur grins and bears it
This week’s edition of new children’s comic The DFC (issue 34, dated January 23) features the debut of a new strip by PCOer Will “Wilbur” Dawbarn. Bodkin and the Bear is the story of a less-than-successful medieval minstrel called Bodkin who messes up every job he ever gets. But things may start to look up […]