Postcards from Malaga

Andrew Birch writes: This is my first blog about being a British cartoonist living abroad, in Malaga, Southern Spain. My first blog ever, in fact. Matt Buck suggested the title. This has a pleasing symmetry, as I started working for the Spanish press with a series called Postales de Malaga – Postcards from Malaga – […]

Lend a hand to stop the PLR move

The Government is seeking the views of writers and illustrators over its plan to transfer the responsibility for managing the Public Lending Right scheme to another body. PLR, the organisation that currently looks after the payments, which ensure that writers and illustrators receive remuneration for books lent in libraries, is to be abolished. The Department […]

The Round-up

  Dave Walker, regular cartoonist for The Church Times and a member of the Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation, has been interviewed about his work by You can read it here. Kevin ‘KAL‘ Kallaugher, editorial cartoonist for The Economist, proves that a single cartoon can change politics. Elsewhere, politics is changing cartooning, with the fall of […]

How do you know you are a cartoonist?

This is a difficult question to answer because cartooning is a job without, for the most part, obvious qualifications. So, how do we choose our members after they have applied to join the Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation? You can read the basic details here, but the key part is the review by peers. This is where […]

Remembering Ronald Searle

The Chris Beetles Gallery is hosting the exhibition Ronald Searle Remembered, in memory of the cartoonist who died in December. The show, which starts today, features more than 400 works by Searle, who is widely regarded as the greatest cartoonist of the 20th century. It runs until June 9. It includes some of the clandestine […]

The Round-up

The Telegraph’s political cartoonist, Christian Adams, dissects his depictions of Cameron, Clegg and Osborne as he looks at what makes an effective caricature. In a subsequent blog post, he identifies which politicians are the best to draw in terms of the most cartoonable body parts (watch out for the photo of Merkel, which is close […]