Hey Wayne! Cartoon show to hit the North
Procartoonists Bill Stott, Tony Husband, Chris Madden and Bill Tidy will open Hey Wayne! An art themed cartoon show at the Richard Goodall Gallery in Manchester. The show is a part of the Manchester Literary Festival and will open on October 12th.
Behind the bandstand
These seaside pictures artfully displayed behind the bandstand in Herne Bay have been saved from a municipal whitewashing. The Jeremy Banx cartoons were drawn at the recent Duchamp in Herne Bay event. Fears that the jokes would fall victim to a “Serco-style” cleaning operation, as noted in part one of the cartoon trio, proved unfounded. Happily, […]
The Round-up
Procartoonists.org writer Royston Robertson will be giving a talk about cartoons on Bank Holiday Monday (26 August) at the Kings Theatre in Ramsgate, as part of the town’s Summer Squall arts festival. The talk begins at 11am and is completely free to attend. Royston will be showing a selection of his published cartoons and talking […]
The Round-up
Above: with the Duchamp in Herne Bay festivities now behind us, there’s just room for this cartoon by Kipper Williams – featuring the names of participating cartoonists, many of whom are among our membership. The original is hanging in a gallery space in the Kent seaside town, as part of an exhibition of art […]
Tales from Herne Bay
Photographer Kasia Kowalska writes: It was 30 years ago that Ralph Steadmancame to give a talk on cartoon drawing and political satire at The University of Kent. At that time the British Cartoon Archive was still a fledgling. After the talk, Ralph gave a practical presentation on political caricatures by drawing members of the audience. A young student Karol Steele was […]
Cartoonists make mark on Herne Bay
They came, they drew, and they even made the odd Marcel Duchamp-style “art statement” … We hope you enjoy this small selection of photos from the Live Cartoonists in the Bandstand event, which was part of the Duchamp in Herne Bay festival that kicked off at the weekend. Nathan Ariss, chairleg of Procartoonists.org, said: “Herne […]
Event: We are not dead, we are in Herne Bay
Whether or not you believe in art or artists, the man who coined the quote is responsible for this weekend’s cartoon activities at what is sure to be a sunny Herne Bay in Kent. Pack your fur coat and don’t forget to pick up a copy of the Duchamp event programme or enjoy this homage to […]