Cartoonists get stylish

Clive Goddard writes: If there’s one thing cartoonists know about it’s style. Famously dapper, well-dressed types-about-town, they constantly turn heads and the occasional stomach. This video, however, is all about their drawing styles. Whether that be simple, complex, colourful, sparse, messy, splattery or obsessionally neat and tidy we cover all bases. Some of us also […]
Giants from Lilliput

Lilliput cover (Dec 1949) by Ronald Searle Rupert Besley writes: Some years back (50, to be precise) I spotted a small selection of Lilliput magazines from 1941-51 in a junkshop in Leeds. I bought all nine of them and have returned to them regularly since. This era was still the heyday of line illustration, […]