The London Cartoon Show

Poster illustration by © Christopher Burke Clive Goddard writes: Coming very shortly to a library near you (if you live in, work in or are visiting that London): A free exhibition of cartoons on the theme of London, past and present, drawn by members of the Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation (PCO). Be it kings and queens, […]
Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival in the rear-view mirror.

Jonathan Cusick, Pete Dredge, John Roberts and Helen Pointer ‘drawing the crowds’. Rupert Besley writes: The sun shone on the righteous – and on the cartoonists in Shrewsbury. It was a bumper gathering in the town this last weekend, with visitors and participants drawn from far and wide. Few more so than festival regular Dean […]
Reader’s Digest, digested
A new addition to this years recent Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival was the presence of a team from the magazine Reader’s Digest. From a stall in the town’s Square, the focus of many of the festival’s activities, the Reader’s Digest team engaged members of the public to try their hand at a popular Digest competition, Beat […]