PCO Cartoon Review of the Year 2023

Cartoon © Steve Bright Glenn Marshall writes: OK, lock yourselves in, this is going to be a rocky ride and 2023 was a particularly rocky ride for Rishi Sunak. The above prescient cartoon was by Brighty at the beginning of the year in The Sun. Cartoon © Dean Patterson Mystic deAn also predicted the turbulence the world […]
Why does no one want to be a cartoonist any more? The lack of new blood doesn’t bode well for the industry’s future

Written by Nick Newman for (and courtesy of) The Spectator with bonus cartoon content. ‘Nightmare!’ is how The Spectator’s cartoon editor Michael Heath has been describing cartooning for at least 30 years, but it’s truer now than ever. Eighty years ago, cartoonists were so celebrated that waxworks of Low, Strube and Poy were displayed in […]
Cartoonists in Conversation
Jonathan Cusick writes: A Friday evening talk has traditionally opened the public programme of the Shrewsbury cartoon festival. This year ‘Cartoonists in Conversation’ aimed to give the public an insight into the lives of cartoonists, whose work they would probably be familiar with but know little about the people behind them. The number of cartoonists […]
Publishers, the patrons of the art
A public kerfuffle over a Gerald Scarfe cartoon published after the recent Israeli elections has resulted in a public apology from Rupert Murdoch the publisher of The Sunday Times, the paper in which the image appeared. A publisher apology is a rare thing in journalism of any sort but it should be noted that neither the […]
101 uses for a cartoon
Whilst some other Sunday newspapers are cutting back on their cartoons, the Sunday Times has expanded its cartoon content with the inclusion of 101 Uses for a Celebrity. The regular feature will appear in the Style section and is drawn by The Surreal McCoy, a former Bloghorn Artist of the Month and a member of the […]
Cartoon Pick of the Week
Bloghorn spotted this great work during this week ending the 13th March 2009. One: Tim Sanders in The Independent on bankers retraining as teachers Two: Nick Newman in The Sunday Times on Heston Blumenthal’s woes Three: Alex Hughes in Tribune on Northern Ireland The PCO: Great British cartoon talent Subscribe to The Foghorn – our […]
Cartoon Pick of the Week

Bloghorn spotted this great work this week… One: Stephen Hutchinson (aka Bernie) in Private Eye on child protection officers Two: Gerald Scarfe in the Sunday Times on India Three: A spot of blowing our own Foghorn … Noel Ford on the cover of the new Christmas issue of the PCO’s cartoon magazine. (Below – click […]
Cartoon Pick of the Week

It’s a US Elections Comedown Special this week… One: Garry Trudeau’s Doonesbury strip in The Guardian on withdrawal symptoms Two: Gerald Scarfe in the Sunday Times on sweeping up Three: Liza Donnelly in the New Yorker on the woe of winning The PCO: British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
The British attitude to words and pictures
If you perused the Sunday Times this week, you may have come across a couple of sentences that neatly sum up all that is wrong about the British attitude towards drawings that accompany words. Cosmo Landesman opens his review of the film Persepolis, which is based on the graphic novels by Marjane Satrapi, with this […]