Tune into PCO TV

Just a reminder to tune in, subscribe and spread the word about our PCO TV Channel over on that Youtube. There are a couple of fresh videos on there: Firstly the launch of a series cartoonist Q&A videos that have been stitched together for public display by PCO Chair Personage Clive Goddard starring PCO members Jeremy Banx, […]
Who pocketed the cartoon awards?
Clive Goddard writes: The Political Cartoon Awards have been running for 18 years now, but this year there was something new. The event takes place in a large, swanky hall in central London with subdued coloured lighting, tasty little unidentified canapes being offered by attractive young people and more free booze than anyone has time […]
The Round-up
The cartoon above, by Peter Steiner, is understood to be the most popular ever to appear in The New Yorker. Journalist Glenn Fleishman talks to its creator and looks at what has happened in the 20 years since it first appeared. Last Friday’s edition of The One Show dropped in on a host of […]
Back to the cold days
The exhibition Drawing the Curtain: Soviet Cartoons from the Cold War, hosted by Guardian News and Media, opens on January 19. It marks the publication of the book Drawing the Curtain: The Cold War in Cartoons by Tim Benson of the Political Cartoon Society. The book takes key moments in cold war history, such as […]