The London Cartoon Show review

The private view at Charing Cross Library. Photo © Kasia Kowalska Clive Goddard writes: Imagine the excitement which rippled through the UK-wide, nay, global membership of the PCO when we announced we would be holding another exhibition down London way. And not only was it in London but was alsoabout London! Palpable joy ensued. I’m […]
Sixth Herne Bay Cartoon Festival begins
[Poster by The Surreal McCoy] Exhibitions are now open at the sixth Herne Bay Cartoon Festival and more than 20 of the UK’s top cartoonists will descend on the Kent seaside town next weekend for three days of talks, workshops and live drawing. The first event is a discussion featuring The Surreal McCoy and Rachael Ball. They will […]
Herne Bay Cartoon Festival 2017:
The End of the Pier Show
The Herne Bay Cartoon Festival main event was held on the Pier for the first time on Sunday, after four years at the Bandstand. It proved a perfect fit for a live cartooning event. The sun shone and a good time was had by all. Photos © Kasia Kowalska unless otherwise stated The cartoonists who took part […]
Cartoon Pick of the Week
Bloghorn spotted this great work during this week ending the 14th August 2009. One: Matt in the Daily Telegraph on US attacks on the NHS Two: Paul Thomas in the Daily Express on the stand-in Three: Tim Sanders in The Independent on Clinton in Korea The PCO: Great British cartoon talent Subscribe to The Foghorn […]
Cartoon Pick of the Week: Redacted
MPs are back in the news again with the release of their heavily blacked-out expense reports, so Bloghorn has a special round-up of the best of the redacted, censored and otherwise obscured cartoons for the week ending the 19th June 2009. One: Matt in the Daily Telegraph gives us a historical perspective on the story. […]
Cartoon Pick of the Week
Bloghorn spotted this great work during this week ending the 13th March 2009. One: Tim Sanders in The Independent on bankers retraining as teachers Two: Nick Newman in The Sunday Times on Heston Blumenthal’s woes Three: Alex Hughes in Tribune on Northern Ireland The PCO: Great British cartoon talent Subscribe to The Foghorn – our […]
Cartoon Pick of the Week

Bloghorn spotted this great work this week… One: Peter Brookes in the Times on the BNP list Two: Tim Sanders in The Independent on “I’m a Celebrity…” Three: Dave Walker at the Church Times Blog on pubs becoming churches The PCO: British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
Cartoon Pick of the Week

Bloghorn spotted this great work this week… One: Mike Williams in Private Eye on something feline Two: Colin Whittock in the Birmingham Mail: “All the best spots have been nicked by bankers …” Three: Tim Sanders in The Independent: Just say cheese! The PCO: British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)
Pocket cartoonists: Endangered but vital

The newspaper “pocket” cartoonist is a rare but hardy breed, says PCO Chairman Andy Davey. Spare a thought for the humble pocket cartoonist, guv? Be warned – you’ll need your field glasses to catch them. The Guardian has not replaced David Austin who died in in 2005. But even though they are a diminishing species […]