Caricaturist David Levine dies
David Levine, since 1963 caricaturist for the New York review of Books, has died. You can read an obituary from the New York Times and scroll through a short slideshow about him here. The Review of Books has an excellent archive of his work from the 1960s to the present day available here. Updated: 31st Jan […]
Interview with David Lloyd – I
Bloghorn is very pleased to be able to publish an interview with David Lloyd, artist of V for Vendetta and co-founder of Cartoon Classroom, a free resource to connect artists and people who would like to learn how to draw. How do you think the Cartoon Classroom and its list of expert teachers in drawing […]
Daily Mail cartoonist retires
The Daily Mail has announced that pocket cartoonist Ken Mahood is retiring. Mahood, who next year will celebrate his 80th birthday, has drawn news and sports cartoons for the Mail since 1982. His first cartoon was published in Punch in 1948, a magazine for whom he was later Assistant Art Editor, and in 1966 became […]
UK Political cartoon gallery to move
The UK Political Cartoon Gallery is to move from its premises on Store Street, near Tottenham Court Road in London, early in 2010. Owner and publisher Tim Benson told Bloghorn; I believe we have gone as far as I think we can [at the Store Street venue] without becoming stale and repetitive. Staying in London I believe is […]
When cartoons take to the stage
The Guardian Theatre Blog has a piece on putting cartoons and animation on the stage, as seen in a new production of The Cat in the Hat, and in the Daily Telegraph’s Alex, left. Read it here: Drawing power: when cartoons and theatre meet
Creative Christmas
This features the genius of Bill Watterson’s much-loved Calvin and Hobbes comic strip. It also highlights the good and bad nature of digital distribution of imagery, because strictly, this is a copyright violation. What do you think about it? Please tell us in the comments below. Spotted by Royston Robertson.
Ipswich to approve Giles Circus
Ipswich Borough Council is expected to give the go-ahead to plans to revamp part of the town centre around a statue dedicated to the cartoonist Giles this week. The scheme, to be known as Giles Circus, will raise the statue of his Grandma character to a more prominent position and will include improvements to the […]
The automated caricature
It is a fact universally acknowledged that a supermarket retailer in possession of the No1 spot is in want of a commercial wheeze – such as this one. Of course, Bloghorn says you’d be better off buying the real thing with a personal caricature from people who can draw like this instead of relying on a […]
Prospect's new Cartoonist of the Month
The latest Cartoonist of the Month over at Prospect magazine’s First Drafts blog is Huw Aaron. Click here to read the interview. Welshman Huw says that the response from fellow countrymen when he says he’s a cartoonist is usually “Does ‘ew work for Disnee then, butt?” Bloghorn also liked his response when asked how he […]