The Round-up

Hunt Emerson has been interviewed for Birmingham’s Flatpack Festival as part of a respective on the Birmingham Arts Lab, above, the influential arts collective that ran from the late 1960s to the early 1980s. The article is here. Meanwhile, Pete Ashton, who carried out the interview, talks about meeting one of his cartooning heroes on […]

The Round-up

Whaat? by Dave Gibbons fires first on the vexed question of the artist Roy Lichtenstein and his use, or abuse, of comic imagery for the purposes of fine art. There’s a flight of similar pieces that coincide with the Lichtenstein retrospective at Tate Modern in London. We particularly commend a learned piece by the comics historian […]

How to protect your work in public

Following on from our recent post about copyright, here‘s some straightforward advice from Silvia Baumgart, Programme Manager at Own-it, about how a cartoonist (or any other kind of artist) can protect their work online and elsewhere: Sadly, it is practically impossible to ensure that work appearing on the internet is not being downloaded, copied or amended […]

Counting days to cartoon festival

Cartoonists are sharpening their pencils as it is a month today until the tenth Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival. The big weekend for the festival, when live drawing events will take place, is 19-21 April. For the first time there will be a full programme of events on the Sunday. Before that, the main festival exhibition, […]

The Round-up

Our colleagues in the Cartoonists’ Club of Great Britain (CCGB) have produced The Little Red Nose-E-Book Of Cartoons in aid of Comic Relief. It features 101 cartoons by CCGB members, including the gag above by Colin Whittock, who is also a member. The e-book costs just £1.59 (with all proceeds going to the charity) and […]

Sporting chance for cartoonists

The members Huw Aaron and Nick Newman are among the nominees in the sports cartoonist category at the 2012 Sports Journalism Awards. Huw is nominated for his strip North Stand (above, full-size version here) in The Rugby Paper, and Nick for Sunday Times and Private Eye cartoons. Other nominees are Paul Wood, Kerber and […]

Ten things you might not know

about copyright

Our man Rob Murray attended a recent talk by Silvia Baumgart of Own-it, based at the University of the Arts London (UAL). Own-it advises creative practitioners and small businesses on intellectual property matters. Over to Rob: The session focused in particular on copyright and the increasing need for artists and illustrators to protect their work […]

Miranda’s Comic Relief

Procartoonists member Clive Goddard is helping comic Miranda Hart with her Comic Relief challenges this week. He will be drawing each of her tasks in turn and we will feature some below over the course of the week. You can of course also follow the course of events by following the #mirandasmarch hashtag. Updated 12th March: You […]