The Round-up: A comics special

Kasia Kowalska presents a Round-up focusing on comics this week: The British Library is about to embark on a period of anarchy and rebellion – this summer it will host the largest exhibition of comic art ever held in Britain. Comics Unmasked: Art & Anarchy in the UK will cover comics from Victorian times through […]

The Round-up

Kasia Kowalska writes: The death of the former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon inspired cartoonists on all sides of the political debate. Sharon was famously the subject of a highly controversial award winning cartoon, above, which was based on Goya’s Saturn Devouring his Son. This image sparked a complaint from the Israeli Embassy, but not […]

The Round-up

As Google continues to expand into new areas, it has entered the world of cartoons with its own take on the traditional caption competition. has more details here, and you can submit your captions for Google cartoons here. In the US, presidential hopefuls including Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are getting the comic book […]

Round-up: What the Bloghorn saw

Rob Murray writes: The BBC reports on the appropriation by protest groups of the Guy Fawkes mask featured in V For Vendetta – designed by David Lloyd for the 1980s comic strip he co-created with Alan Moore, which was turned into a Hollywood film in 2006. You can read the article here, while elsewhere the […]

Bidder-bidder-bidder … Batman!

Comic fans have the chance to appear alongside legendary superhero Batman thanks to a fund-raising auction. This one-off opportunity is part of a sale to support the Comic Book Alliance (previously). It also includes signed comics, books and artwork from the likes of Hunt Emerson, David Lloyd, Bryan Talbot and Alan Moore among many others. The […]

What happened next…

A quick follow-up of stories we’ve covered recently on Bloghorn. The Forbidden Planet blog reports on Steve Bell in conversation with Martin Rowson, Gary Trudeau and Alan Moore at Edinburgh International Book Festival (previously). New Yorker cartoon editor (and cartoonist himself) Robert Mankoff responds to the recent Kanye West cartoon re-captioning internet phenomenon. has the […]

Cause and effect: Cartoonists’ Showcase

“Double Dip and Toil and Trouble !!” by Nick Hayes, from the Guardian’s summer cartoonists showcase. As previously mentioned in Bloghorn, the Guardian is showcasing six up-and-coming cartoonists whilst regular incumbent Steve Bell is on his summer holidays. Since the last week of July, the cartoons of Anna Trench, Lou McKeever (aka Bluelou), Ben Jennings, Tanya […]

Interview with David Lloyd – I

Bloghorn is very pleased to be able to publish an interview with David Lloyd, artist of V for Vendetta and co-founder of Cartoon Classroom, a free resource to connect artists and people who would like to learn how to draw. How do you think the Cartoon Classroom and its list of expert teachers in drawing […]