Bill Tidy (1933-2023) – A Tribute

Drawing of ‘The Cloggies’ from Bill’s long running Private Eye strip. Rupert Besley writes: It’s funny what sticks in the memory. First kiss, first day at new school, first pint, first dive into a pool… To which I’d add, first sight of a Bill Tidy cartoon. 1965. We’d just moved house and my brother came […]
John Jensen 1930-2018
John with a ‘selfie’ which he did for an exhibition at the cartoon archive, Kent University. Photo © Pat Jensen Sadly, it has been reported that John Jensen has passed away at the sprightly age of 88. John was a well respected and fondly thought of member of the cartoon community. He was a supreme and very versatile draughtsman. John […]
Budding cartoonists take note
Now is the time to get entries in for the annual Young Cartoonists of the Year Competition. See above for details. The contest is organised by our sister organisation the British Cartoonists’ Association with the Cartoon Art Trust, which runs the Cartoon Museum. The closing date is 10 November — so get drawing, young people! […]
Young Cartoonist of the Year 2013
We are particularly pleased to say that one of our members has won the annual award although none of our membership were too surprised. Hearty congratulations go to Will McPhail who secured the under 30 years prize from our friends at the British Cartoonists’ Association and The Cartoon Museum. Harry McSweeney carried off the […]
The Round-up
Cartoons of Margaret Thatcher – including The Pit and The Pendulum by Stanley Franklin, above, has been showing at Leeds Gallery over the summer. Read a review of the exhibition here. The British Cartoonists’ Association is on the lookout once again for Young Cartoonists of the Year and will now also accept digitally produced artwork (although […]
Young Cartoonists of the Year 2012
The results of the competition are in and Procartoonists sends congratulations to Saffie Patel and Lawrence Lamborn for their awards in the two categories run by The Cartoon Museum and our sister organsation the British Cartoonists’ Association. You can enjoy their winning work below. A cheerful selection of cartoons by the runners-up is now also […]
Opinion: The Young Cartoonists of the Year 2012
We recently published details of the annual Young Cartoonists of the Year awards, run by our sister organisation the British Cartoonists’ Association. We received a large reaction from readers which included this piece of opinion from cartoonist Alison Sampson. You should know that fairly recently I picked up a pen again, not least because of […]
Young Cartoonists of the Year 2012
Our colleagues at the British Cartoonists’ Association have launched their annual Young Cartoonists of the Year competition. Details as below and applications to the UK’s Cartoon Museum by 7 November. Hop to it! And have a look back at one of last year’s winners.
Young cartoonists: get drawing
Budding cartoonists take note: the Cartoon Art Trust, which runs the Cartoon Museum in London, is looking for entries for this year’s Young Cartoonists of the Year competition. Cartoons are required for the under-30 and under-18 categories, and the closing date is looming: November 15, 2010. The winners will receive their awards at the 16th […]