Japanese Earthquake Cartoon Appeal
PCOer Martin Honeysett writes: I’ve been asked to pass on this request for cartoons to support those affected by the recent Japanese earthquake and tsunami, where many will be suffering long after the media focus has moved on. This appeal is from the Kyoto Cartoon Congress who seek entries for an exhibition in Kyoto later […]
Japanese Nuclear Boy
Artist Kazuhiko Hachiya has made an animated short to help explain the ongoing nuclear crisis to Japanese children. The clip’s title character, Nuclear Boy, plays the role of the ill child representing Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. Reaction to the colorful clip has been mixed, with some folks calling it distasteful and others arguing it makes […]
Manga at the Museum
The British Museum is currently exhibiting original artwork from acclaimed Japanese manga artist Hoshino Yukinobu‘s newest comic. The exhibition follows the adventures of Yukinobu’s character Professor Munakata and is set in the Museum itself. The work uses icons including the Sutton Hoo mask and the Lewis chessmen. Artwork from more of Yukinobu’s manga also features […]
Turning Japanese
PCOer Martin Honeysett responds to an article in The Guardian which reported Japanese plans to boost their national economic prospects with drawing. Martin recently spent two years in Japan as a visiting professor of visual communication. It comes as no surprise to read that the Japanese Prime minister keeps manga comics in his official limo. […]
Teaching cartooning in Japan

Martin Honeysett spent two years in Japan teaching cartoon drawing at a university. He talks about his experiences here. One of PCO member Martin Honeysett’s cartoons from his time in Japan How do you teach cartooning? All the cartoonists I know are self taught, although some may have done an arts course at some time. […]