Snap! A Cartoon Pick of the Week Special
Bloghorn notices that when political cartoonists pick the same targets, they often pick the same jokes, or at least variations on a similar theme. This can be seen in the national press today as three heavyweight cartoonists give their take on Lord Goldsmith appearing before the Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq war. One: Peter Brookes […]
Joke cartoons show opens
Chris Burke to talk at illustrators group
Detail from Norwich, created for Ottakar’s bookshops by Chris Burke PCOer Chris Burke is guest speaker at the Brighton Illustrators Group meeting on 28th January. His talk takes place at the Eagle pub, 125 Gloucester Rd, at 8pm. Chris tells us what he has planned: I’ll be taking an illustrated canter through 25 years of […]
The week in Bloghorn tweets – Jan 22
This week Bloghorn saw: An awful lot of hype about the much vaunted Apple tablet computer. The official launch is 27th January and it will be a relief to get it over with and to the point where we can have some reviews about whether the thing will be worth the money. The official launch […]
Cartoon bargains on sale at gallery
Cartoons by the likes of Ed McLachlan, above, Matt, Nick Newman, Mac, and Tony Husband, can be acquired at a bargain price in the Chris Beetles Gallery’s Sale 2010 which opens in London this weekend. For more details on the Sale, which also includes illustration work and watercolours, visit the Chris Beetles Gallery website.
Striker goes Nuts
Football-themed comic strip Striker is to transfer to lads-mag Nuts. Cartoonist Pete Nash’s strip was originally drawn in 2D and first appeared in the Sun in 1985. It became the first UK computer-generated 3D strip in 1998. Following an on-off relationship with The Sun newspaper in recent years, and a brief venture as a stand-alone comic from […]
Original Ogri cartoon artwork for sale
Cartoonist Paul Sample is to auction around 500 pieces of original artwork from his strip Ogri, which he created in 1967 and has featured in Bike magazine for 35 years. The Telegraph website has the full story. Ogri has also featured prominently in Telegraph Motoring. Ogri is a great example of a cartoon that works […]
The week in Bloghorn tweets: January 15
The week in some short links. British comic artist Bryan Talbot released a flood of original artwork with a direct sale to market at his website. Bloghorn was pleased to see this, as direct sale to fans seems like a very sensible way to make a living from drawing in these hard economic times. Comics […]
Joke cartoons to lift the winter blues
An exhibition entitled Only Joking! is at the Cartoon Museum, London, from January 27 until March 1. The show is billed as a collection of joke cartoons old and new designed to raise spirits in the deep winter. Meanwhile, you have until January 24 to catch 30 Years of Viz at the museum. For more, […]