Shrewsbury: Now we are ten
This year’s Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival is the tenth one. Appropriately, in this significant year, the theme will be “Time”. The exhibitions start just under a month from now, on 22 March, and the main weekend of events is 19-21 April. But before it all gets going, we thought we’d mark the occasion with a brief […]
Springtime for cartoonists in Shrewsbury
We are very pleased to be able to list the cartoonist attendees at this year’s Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival. They are: Huw Aaron, Charlie Adlard, Dean Alston, Nathan Ariss, Ian Baker, Rupert Besley, Steve Best (Bestie), Andrew Birch, John Clark (Brick), Matthew Buck (Hack), Steve Chadburn, Jonathan Cusick, Wilbur Dawbarn, Pete Dredge, Noel Ford, Clive Goddard, Tim Harries, John Landers, Alexander Matthews, Rob Murray, Chichi Parish, Roger Penwill, Helen Pointer, John Roberts, Royston Robertson, Chris Ryder, Bill […]
The Round-up
We are sad to note that Bob Godfrey, the much-loved cartoonist behind Roobarb and Custard (above) and the equally wonderful Henry’s Cat, has passed away at the age of 91. Obituaries for the Oscar-winning animator can be found at The Guardian, The Telegraph and the BBC. The Guardian also offers a guide to Godfrey’s […]
Drawing in the air
Technology moves on all the time and there is no reason drawing shouldn’t be part of change. For evidence, the crowd sourced fundraising platform Kickstarter is currently hosting a novel adaptation of the 3D printing technology from a startup called WobbbleWorks. You can watch a short video about what their 3D pen can do below. It […]
Seminar aims for success
The third annual Success in Comics seminar was held at the weekend in Maryland in the US. Despite the name, it covers all areas of cartooning and cartoon illustration and focuses on how freelancers can make their business grow. Alan Gardner of The Daily Cartoonist website attended and took notes from each speaker. His write-ups at the site, from […]
The Round-up
Above: The Pope wins the lottery and decides to quit his job, in an eerily prescient cartoon by Katharina Greve that appeared in a calendar on the very day of Pope Benedict XVI’s announcement. Journalist Matt Geörg Moore argues that comic strips in print should be given more space and more freedom, despite the decline […]
Heard the one about Twitter jokes? member Royston Robertson on the rise of Twitter jokes “Everyone’s a comedian” is a phrase often uttered sarcastically, but with the rise of the Twitter joke it almost seems true. If you’re not familiar with the phenomenon you need to be hanging around on Twitter when a major news story breaks. Recent stories such […]
Cartoons – not so static after all
It is sometimes assumed that cartooning is a purely static medium. One of our members, Robert Duncan, shows this isn’t the case in this three-minute plus video celebrating the work of the writer and cartoonist Edward Lear. If you have seen any other good examples of cartooning as a moving medium please post them into the comments […]
The Round-up
Kevin Siers, editorial cartoonist for The Charlotte Observer, has found his name on a list of hostiles kept by the National Rifle Association. Read Siers’ response here. Mike Lynch tells an amusing story – through the medium of cartoons, naturally – about his early attempts to sell gags to that most notoriously esoteric of markets, […]