Recognition for PCO duo’s efforts in support of Atena Farghadani
© Steve Bright Rupert Besley writes: As is well known, the French take caricature and cartooning rather more seriously than we tend to here. Each year since the early 1990s, academics at the University of West Brittany, through EIRIS (l’Equipe Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur l’Image Satirique), have published ‘Ridiculosa’, a weighty (300-plus pages) review carrying […]
Andy Davey: ‘toons ‘n’ tunes
© Andy Davey The PCO member and political cartoonist par excellence sheds light on the dark arts of his particular craft whilst sharing some of his favourite music on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire’s Sunday Supplement. As you’d expect Andy proves an astute advocate for cartooning, helped enormously by a genuinely interested and intelligent interviewer, Nick Conrad. […]
PCO leaves FECO
The reason for tendering our resignation: After a great deal of thought by the PCO Committee and through consulting our members, PCO [UK] has decided to leave FECO forthwith. This is a very sad decision, but has been brought about by FECO’s involvement with a Holocaust themed cartoon contest offered by the Iran House of […]
Two years on from Charlie Hebdo…
On the second anniversary of the atrocity, several organisations (see logos above) have combined forces to present a tribute to persecuted cartoonists. Although it undoubtedly makes for a sobering read, the continuing courage and unwavering commitment of these cartoonists to do what’s right is both humbling and uplifting. We have included some of their work […]
Ralph Steadman: “I always say a mistake is just an opportunity to do something different.”
© Ralph Steadman This New Statesman interview with the incomparable artist and PCO member (as if we’d ever let you forget) finds the great man as vibrant and busy as ever. Ralph Steadman The piece covers pretty much everything from early memories of wartime evacuation right up to the present day as he continues to […]
Cartoons that go viral
© Will McPhaill/The New Yorker If proof were needed of a cartoon’s effectiveness in nailing a topic more succinctly than any other medium, we’d like to present these three examples of the craft as irrefutable evidence, m’lud… We are happy to note that two of them are by PCO members Will McPhail and Royston Robertson. […]
Times cartoonist Peter Brookes awarded CBE in New Year’s Honours list
© Peter Brookes Whether you regard the annual awarding of the gongs as worthwhile acclaim for outstanding achievement or a worthless anachronism that rewards cronyism, there is no doubt that even the most ardent opponent of the honours system would recognise Peter Brookes’ CBE falls into the first category. Describing the long-standing tradition of satirical […]