Saint-Just-le-Martel Cartoon Festival 2024

A missive from our man in Saint-Just, Des Buckley: “3 UK Evacuees placed in French Village” In the heady days of expense accounts & optimism, inky scribblers convened in the Cartoonist Pub (aka ‘Cirrhosis-on-Thames’) in Shoe Lane. Fleet Street was in its pomp. The Cartoonists of that era exhibited a ‘thirst’ for social events. Of […]

Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival photo album

The ‘Plan B’ Shrewsbury Square. Photo © Tat Effby. Glenn Marshall & Jonathan Cusick write: With Storm Hannah due to roll in threatening rain and high winds the marquee company wouldn’t put up the festival’s gazebo roofing. Fear of airborne ‘para-boarding’ cartoonists made the festival organisers hastily arrange a Plan B for Saturday, which involved […]

Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival in the rear-view mirror.

Jonathan Cusick, Pete Dredge, John Roberts and Helen Pointer ‘drawing the crowds’. Rupert Besley writes: The sun shone on the righteous – and on the cartoonists in Shrewsbury. It was a bumper gathering in the town this last weekend, with visitors and participants drawn from far and wide. Few more so than festival regular Dean […]

St Just for laughs

Simon Ellinas writes: I was lucky enough to be able to visit the Salon International Du Dessins de Presse et d’Humor at St Just-le-Martel in France. Impressively installed in a brand new building on the outskirts of this small satellite of the city of Limoges, this cartoon festival has been running for 33 years. The […]

Professional cartoonist workshops at the Big Draw

The PCO provided the all-day cartoon and drawing workshops at The Big Draw. Here, two of our members report on what they did there. Click the images to enlarge Paul Hardman writes: The title of the workshop I ran was “Who Do You Think You Are?” It involved a very long roll of paper on […]

Artist of the Month: John Landers

Here is the last offering from the PCO’s Artist of the month for January 2008, John Landers. Next Friday, we will have a new featured portfolio to enjoy, but in the meantime, click L for Landers. British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)

Artist of the Month: John Landers

If you would like to see more of John’s work click on the phrase John Landers in the long list you can find on the right hand side of this diary, or click below and follow L for Landers. British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)

Artist of the month: John Landers

A marvellous joke from the PCOs Artist of the month, John Landers. Bloghorn says click L for Landers. 11th January 2008 British cartoon talent From the PCO (Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation)

Artist of the Month: John Landers

Londoner John Landers has been drawing gag cartoons and funny pictures since he was a boy. He attended Middlesex University in London where he studied Graphic Design and although cartoons and funny drawings featured in much of his early design work, he didn’t turn to selling his cartoon gags directly to newspapers and magazines until […]