Ye Olde Whynge

Ben Jennings, Dave Simmonds, Dave Brown & George Leigh. Photo © Kasia Kowalska Kasia Kowalska writes: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, if was the age of foolishness, if was the epoch of belief, if was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of […]
Who pocketed the cartoon awards?
Clive Goddard writes: The Political Cartoon Awards have been running for 18 years now, but this year there was something new. The event takes place in a large, swanky hall in central London with subdued coloured lighting, tasty little unidentified canapes being offered by attractive young people and more free booze than anyone has time […]
The Round-up
Above: a timely rant from animator Stephen Silver about the perils of agreeing to produce creative work ‘on spec’. (Originally seen at Tom’s Mad Blog) The HS2 rail proposal provided plenty of fodder for cartoonists on the dailies this week. For The Telegraph, Christian Adams assesses George Osborne’s involvement here and here, while Matt Pritchett […]
The Round-up
Gerald Scarfe has revisited an old project by producing a new series of cartoons to illustrate the on-screen revival of Yes, Prime Minister. This drawing, above, of its stars David Haig and Henry Goodman, is also gracing billboards and bus shelters ahead of the show’s debut on the TV channel Gold on 15 January. Scarfe […]
Cartoon round-up: Bob Diamond and the MPs
Following our post on Monday about Bob Diamond of Barclays bank, here is how some of the UK’s cartoonists have responded to his resignation and appearance at the Treasury Select Committee at Westminster. If you have seen any more we should feature please let us know in the comments. Our membership portfolios are also full of work like […]
Have pen, will travel
Mac of the Daily Mail writes about a low technology joy of cartooning on the road in this travel piece for his employer. It is a nice read and shows, at least to Bloghorn, that many cartoonists are equally comfortable when combining picture and word to make memorable communication. Seen any other examples of cartoonists who […]
Cartoon Pick of the Week: Redacted
MPs are back in the news again with the release of their heavily blacked-out expense reports, so Bloghorn has a special round-up of the best of the redacted, censored and otherwise obscured cartoons for the week ending the 19th June 2009. One: Matt in the Daily Telegraph gives us a historical perspective on the story. […]
Cartoon Pick of the Week
Bloghorn spotted this great work during this week ending the 5th June 2009. One: Matt from the Daily Telegraph on Gordon in isolation. Two: Mick Stevens in the New Yorker on modern publishing. Three: and finally, Mac in the Daily Mail on picking the new cabinet– “Mrs Perkins. How would you like to be Home […]
Cartoonist of the Year nominations
The nominations for the Press Gazette’s British Press Awards have been announced. The event takes place on Tuesday 31 March. There are seven people in the running for Cartoonist of the Year, and they are as follows: Steve Bell, The Guardian Dave Brown, The Independent Michael Heath, The Mail on Sunday Stan “Mac” McMurtry, Daily […]