
Borderline and Beyond

Rupert Besley writes: Congratulations to the organisers of Laughter Line in Wallsend. And commiserations too. No sooner had they got their cartoon exhibition set up than


Titanic achievement

Pete Dredge writes: Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers”, Da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa”, Edvard Munch’s “The Scream”…Bill Tidy’s “Any news of the Iceberg?” All these great artists produced


Infectious Laughter

Cartoon © Pete Dredge Naturally many cartoonists have been indulging in some sick humour whilst trying to cope under lockdown. These are from the bunkers of


Mike Turner 1942 – 2020

Mike and Anita O’Brien at Ayr Cartoon Festival Pete Dredge writes: Like many cartoonists of a certain age, I first met Mike in the late
