Bloghorn was greatly amused by the recent launch of a campaign to save the arts from the forthcoming cuts in UK public spending.
But we find it deeply ironic that Arts Council England – which has organised the Save the Arts campaign via its Turning Point Network – is choosing to launch it with a piece of cartoon animation.
If the Arts Council hadn’t spent years refusing to help the activities of organisations representing the business of cartooning, we might even take the campaign seriously.
But it has consistently refused to help fund the national Cartoon Museum and many other events and activities run by professional organisations representing our trade and its artform.
If the Arts Council finds that it is now looking at doing its work with minimal funds we can only say this: Welcome to our world.
Bloghorn’s sponsor, The Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation and our sister group, The British Cartoonists’ Association, represent the best living practitioners of the vulgar commerce of drawing.
We both, more than most, appreciate the irony of the elite national arts organisation stooping to the healthy filth of the cartoon when it needs a spot of urgent, eye-catching communication.
We just wish its present interest in cartoons wasn’t so blatantly short-term and desperate.
We might even have been able to help with the campaign – if only the Arts Council had deigned to help us.
It wouldn’t be before time.
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