Following a recent post Bloghorn sees a UK Occupy protest cartooning site has been launched.

Occupy London Cartoon_1

It features a traditional gallery accepting contributions and also an cartoon-creation tool.

Dave Miller, the organiser, told Bloghorn:

At the the Occupy LSX site at St Paul’s, London, there are many drawings and paintings sellotaped to the walls; the area has become a public art gallery. Works full of slogans and messages, full of passion.

He plans to add new submissions from the site to the print collection at the St Paul’s camp.

The cartoon-creation tool at the web site makes it possible to script your own commentary for a library of image pieces.

He told us:

My aim is not to automate the creation of political cartoons, just to make the process easier. This tool allows you to choose a combination of background and characters, but a political cartoon is much more than that, and communicating something meaningful that touches nerves is always the challenge.

Occupy London cartoon

All contributors work will be properly accredited on the site and instructions for use can be found at The example above is from PCOer Martin Rowson.

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