With Steve Bell’s one-man restrospective at the Cartoon Museum having just closed, the Guardian cartoonist – and member of the UK Professional Cartoonists Organisation, which runs the Bloghorn – has been awarded an honorary degree from the University of Brighton.
New Yorker cartoonist Ed Koren has been interviewed by Vermont Public Radio about his long career, his writing process and his views on the future of cartooning. You can listen to the 12-minute interview here.
Acclaimed comics writer Alan Moore tells the Guardian about the latest installment of his League of Extraordinary Gentlemen series (published this week), and how he thinks the internet will transform comics. Read the interview here.
Staying in the realm of comic books, Robert Crumb’s classic underground series Zap Comix is due to be reprinted in its entirety next year, in an 800-page, two-volume hardcover set from Fantagraphics Books.
As always, please draw our attention to anything you think we’ve missed by posting a comment below.