Rosie Brooks, a member of the Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation, which runs the Bloghorn, has found a piece of her artwork adorning a US postage stamp. That’s because she painted the guitar that Sir Paul McCartney is pictured with on one of a range of stamps for the animal welfare charity PETA. You can watch Rosie painting the guitar (at high speed) here.
The Christian Institute has latched onto a recent cartoon by The Telegraph’s Matt Pritchett, arguing that his gag reflects public opinion over the recent banning of prayers as part of council meetings. You can read their take on the cartoon here.
Stephen Collins, cartoonist for The Guardian, Prospect, The Spectator and others, has contributed a range of cartoon postcard designs for the Time To Change mental health campaign. See them here.
Forbidden Planet reports here on Marvel’s legal victory over the comic-book writer Gary Friedrich, while The Daily Cartoonist points out that the legal tussle does the publisher no favours with fans.
Lord Baker of Dorking appears on the Panel Borders podcast to discuss his love of cartoons and his contributions to the Cartoon Museum’s latest exhibition, Her Maj.
And finally, Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons, Life In Hell and Futurama, has received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.